Almond Milk Protein

Does Almond Milk Have Protein?
Did you know that just behind water and fat in terms of your body's physical composition, the protein macro comprises a whopping 20% percent?
Unlike water and fat, though, the human body doesn't store protein but instead uses all of the protein it consumes to perform essential functions vital to your overall health.
Ensuring adequate protein in your diet via whole foods and using protein supplements are two critical steps you can take.
Almond milk does contain some protein, and it does offer some benefits. However, it may not serve as a standalone solution capable of rounding out all of your protein needs.
This article explores the benefits and shortcomings of almond milk protein. It also suggests ways to incorporate almond milk and even more effective protein sources into your diet.
What Is Almond Milk Protein?
Pure almond milk is ground almonds and water.
Some people make their almond milk by blending almonds and water. After fusing into a minced almond consistency, it's necessary to strain the resulting mixture to produce smooth almond milk.
Most people purchase almond milk at the grocery or health food store. These products are more convenient. However, commercially available almond milk products contain additional ingredients. These include preservatives, thickeners, and flavorings.
Preservatives lengthen the product's shelf-life, while thickeners improve its texture. Some consumers find sweetened and flavored almond milk to be more palatable. However, unsweetened and unflavored almond milk remains the most natural choice.
Does Almond Milk Protein Contain Dairy?
No, almond milk is dairy-free. It is, therefore, an appealing option for vegans. It also offers those who are lactose intolerant an alternative to cow's milk.
Is Almond Milk Protein Safe for People with Soy Allergies?
Yes, almond milk is safe for people with soy allergies. Almond milk does not contain soy. It, thus, provides a safe alternative to cow's milk and soy milk.
Is Almond Milk Protein Safe for People With Nut Allergies?
No, almond milk contains almonds. Therefore, people with allergies to tree nuts should avoid consuming it.
Does Almond Milk Have Protein?
Yes, almond milk does contain protein. However, it is not a one-stop solution to your body's protein needs.
How Much Protein Is in Almond Milk?
A one-cup serving of almond milk contains 1 gram of protein.
Compared to whole almonds, the amount of protein you can get from almond milk is relatively low. A one-ounce serving of whole-almonds offers 6 grams of protein.
Almond milk also offers less protein per serving than other milk alternatives. These include cow's milk and soy milk. While cow's milk provides 8 grams of protein per serving, soy milk provides 7 grams per serving.
Still, some people choose not to or cannot use cow's milk or soy milk. Others prefer the taste of almond milk. For these individuals, almond milk can be a helpful, healthful, versatile addition to their diets.
How Many Calories Are in Almond Milk?
A serving of almond milk contains 39 calories.
A side-by-side comparison of almond milk vs. cow milk on this point reveals almond milk as the clear winner. Cow's milk contains 103 calories per serving. Cow's milk has the highest caloric content of any milk. Meanwhile, almond milk has the lowest.
Importantly, this comparison only holds for unsweetened almond milk. Sweeteners and other flavorings can add significant calories.
What Other Almond Milk Nutrition Facts Should I Know?
Besides calories and protein, almond milk provides other nutrients.
These nutrients include:
- 3.5 grams of carbohydrates
- 3 grams of fat
- 1 gram of fiber
- 24% of the recommended daily value (DV) of calcium
- 4% of the DV of potassium
- 8% of the DV of Vitamin D
- 110% of the DV of Vitamin E
Comparing these facts for almond milk vs. milk and other milk alternatives reveals some interesting observations.
Aside from skim milk, cow's milk, almond milk, and other milk alternatives all contain fat. While almond milk contains 3 grams of fat, however, other options include more. Whole cow's milk contains 8 grams of fat.
Low-fat milk, including 2% and 1% milk, reduce this number to 4.9 grams and 2.4 grams, respectively.
Even soy milk contains higher fat than almond milk. Its fat content—4.3 grams per serving—is nearly comparable to a glass of 2% milk.
Still, not all fats are created equal. On this measure, again, almond milk and other milk alternatives are better than cow's milk. The Washington Post reports that almond milk contains only healthy fats.
In contrast, cow's milk has a significant amount of saturated fat, which can raise cholesterol. Even soy milk contains trace amounts of saturated fat.
In all varieties, cow's milk is a significant source of carbohydrates. A cup of cow's milk offers 12 grams of carbohydrates. At 15 grams per serving, the carbohydrate content of soy milk is even higher.
In contrast, unsweetened almond milk contains the fewest grams of carbohydrates with 3.5.
Like other nutrients, your body needs carbohydrates to function optimally. So it's not possible to say that one milk product has a "better" carbohydrate content than others.
Also, like other nutrients, though, your body needs carbohydrates in moderation. Furthermore, some dieters, including those who follow the keto-diet, restrict their carbohydrate intake.
For keto-dieters, almond milk is a clear choice.
In terms of fiber, almond milk falls somewhere in the middle of the pack. Cow's milk adds no appreciable fiber to your diet. At 1 gram per serving, almond milk offers slightly more. However, soy milk edges out almond milk with 1.5 grams of fiber per serving.
As with protein, whole almonds are also a better source of fiber than almond milk. A serving of whole almonds contains 4 grams of fiber.
However, beverages, baked goods, and other recipes often require milk or a milk substitute. In these cases, almond milk can provide a healthy option.
The nutrition facts for milk products suggest that cow's milk, almond milk, and soy milk are comparable. Individuals who are concerned with their calcium intake and who can tolerate cow's milk may have a reason to prefer that option.
The 300 milligrams of calcium in cow's milk are present naturally. In contrast, almond milk and soy milk products are fortified to include approximately the same amount of calcium.
Experts suggest that the human body is best equipped to absorb calcium from natural sources like cow's milk.
Still, in terms of calcium, almond milk may be better than soy milk as an alternative. This is because soy milk contains a compound that can block calcium absorption.
Potassium, Vitamin D, and Vitamin E
Cow's milk offers the most potassium (14% of the recommended DV) per serving of all alternative milk products. Soy milk is next with approximately 8% of the recommended DV. Almond milk comes in last with only 4% of the DV.
Cow's milk also provides the most Vitamin D at 25% of the recommended DV.
Almond milk provides about a third of this amount or 8% of the recommended DV. In terms of Vitamin D, almond milk is a better milk substitute than soy milk, which offers none.
Finally, with a whopping 110% of the recommended DV, almond milk offers the most Vitamin E of any milk product. As with Vitamin D, soy milk contains no appreciable Vitamin E. Meanwhile, cow's milk provides only 1% of the recommended DV.
What Are the Benefits of Almond Milk?
Comparing nutrition facts for various milk products suggests that each variety offers advantages.
If you choose almond milk, you can feel confident in enjoying the following benefits:
- Almond milk is low in calories and low in fat
- Almond milk contains only healthy fats
- Almond milk is low in carbs, so it is keto-friendly
- Unsweetened almond milk is also low in sugar
- Almond milk is a significant source of Vitamin E, which can reduce inflammation, reduce cancer risks, and promote skin, eye, immune, and cardiovascular health
- Almond milk also provides at least some protein, calcium, fiber, Vitamin D, and potassium
What Are the Shortcomings of Almond Milk?
Almond milk can be a healthy choice. Still, it is no panacea.
Almond Milk Can Contain Additives
The most apparent almond milk additives—and those easiest to avoid—are sweeteners and other flavorings.
Sweetened almond milk can contain significant amounts of sugar. Excessive sugar consumption, of course, is linked to tooth decay and weight gain. It can also contribute to chronic conditions, like diabetes and even heart disease.
Health experts' warnings regarding the dangers of a "sugar epidemic" make plain almond milk the healthiest option.
If you find the taste of natural almond milk unpalatable, sweetened almond milk is an alternative. However, it can help if you always examine the nutrition label. You should, as with all foods, also consume sweetened almond milk in moderation.
Making Your Almond Milk Consumption a More Natural Choice
If you find the taste of plain almond milk difficult to stomach, consider other ways to make it more appealing. Including it as an ingredient in recipes with other naturally sweet ingredients is one option. For example, this pumpkin spice smoothie combines almond milk with the natural sweetness of pumpkin puree.
As you look for almond milk products, also examine the label for other additives. Besides sugar, some almond milk products are high in salt.
They may also contain gums and emulsifiers to improve texture. While these are generally safe in small amounts, studies suggest particular caution with carrageenan. This emulsifier has been linked to disturbances in gut health. Because of these concerns, many almond milk products use other safer thickeners.
Almond Milk Is Low in Protein
In fact, the biggest drawback of almond milk centers around your reason for reading this article—protein. Your body needs protein to function. Protein builds muscle. It also promotes skin and bone health. Furthermore, proteins are necessary for your body to produce essential hormones and enzymes.
Experts recommend that people consume approximately 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight. For the average sedentary man, this equates to 56 grams of protein a day. The average sedentary woman needs 46 grams of protein a day.
As a person's activity levels increase, protein requirements increase accordingly. Unfortunately, almond milk contains little protein.
If you are unsure of your protein intake requirements based on your goals, body type, and activity level, please spend 45 seconds and use the AGN Roots Protein Calculator™
Using Almond Milk and Other Nutrition Choices to Increase Your Overall Protein Consumption
Almond milk's relatively low protein content does not mean that health-conscious consumers should avoid almond milk. Instead, it simply means that they must look for additional sources of protein in their diets as well.
These sources can include, other nuts, beans, and seeds. Animal products, such as eggs, chicken, beef, and fish, are also high in protein. If you choose not to consume animal products, other plant-based protein sources include tofu and tempeh.
As you work to increase your protein intake, supplements can be an additional important part of your nutrition regimen. One serving of AGN Roots Grass-Fed Whey powder contains 25 grams of protein. This equals almost half of the daily protein needs for a sedentary man and more than half of the daily protein needs for a sedentary woman.
AGN Roots whey powder is also all-natural, unsweetened, and unflavored. As such, it is an ideal addition to a host of healthy recipes.
Importantly, almond milk is a common ingredient in many of these recipes as well. From almond milk protein shakes to delicious breakfast bowls, the options for combining almond milk, protein powder, and other healthy ingredients are endless!
Keto dieters can enjoy many of these recipes. In fact, with AGN Roots Grass-Fed Whey, almond milk, avocado, and a few other ingredients, you can whip up a mouth-watering avocado cacao pudding.
Thus, while almond milk itself doesn't offer much protein, it may be a necessary part of your efforts to increase your protein intake.
If you don't have time for a more elaborate recipe, a glass of almond milk can also be a convenient way to consume a serving of protein powder.
Stay Calm-ond and Drink Your Almonds
Almond milk protein offers many health benefits. You can maximize these benefits by combining almond milk protein with other healthy nutrition options.
These include whole foods and all-natural supplements.
As you seek ways to add more protein to your diet, rely on the AGN Roots blog for the best advice.