Our Philosophy
At A Greener Nutrition, we are dedicated to offering a sustainable and authentic source of rich dairy nutrition.
Our whey is aptly branded as "Roots" because it embodies the essence and origin of significant value, especially high-quality dairy.
We understand that genuine quality doesn't emerge from sterile and lifeless environments but rather thrives from a tapestry of carefully nurtured elements, including cultivation, genesis, and a deep-rooted passion not always visible with a glance at the surface.
Our Story
Today, protein powders serve as the hallmark product of the standard supplement brand. Whey protein provides the credibility needed to serve as the gateway into a much more profitable conversion; fabricated products like pre-workouts, testosterone boosters, creatines, and fat-burners offer any brand a regulation-free environment while creating profits commensurate with big pharma markups.
In the early 1990s, a groundbreaking shift occurred as dairy powders joined the expanding universe of synthetic dietary supplements, already brimming with products like creatine, pre-workouts, and standalone amino acids. However, this shift posed a significant concern for authentic dairies in the subsequent decades, one hat continues to affect non-factory farms today. This challenge has impeded their competitiveness in the dynamic sports-nutrition market.
The regulations overseeing marketing language in the United States regarding most whey protein powders have inadvertently left room for misleading claims. The constant barrage of carefully crafted phrases aimed at minimizing doubt and bolstering consumer trust, even when these claims offer no tangible benefits, has created a real obstacle when searching for a premium dairy product.
Sadly, many terms such as "Clean," "Grassfed," "Pasture-raised," "Naked," "Transparent," "3rd Party Tested," "Raw," and "Organic" are often used without additional validation or certification, rendering them essentially meaningless. This should not be surprising, understanding that > 96% of the milk produced in the U.S., and the majority labeled as "USDA Organic" certified, originates from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). The matter of CAFOs is intricate and contentious, causing a considerable challenge in steering toward regulatory reform.
Among all nations, it's worth noting that Ireland stands as the sole country that has taken concrete steps to back up its "grass-fed dairy" standards and marketing assertions through actionable regulations. In 2018, the regulator Bord Bia (Irish Food Board equivalent to the USA's FDA) introduced a framework of certifications to support a "grass-fed" dairy claim on any Irish dairy product, including whey protein. The Grass-fed dairy standard enforces fair competition as demand for "grass-fed" dairy globally continues to increase; it provides a way for Irish dairy processors to make a verified claim that their product has been sourced from Irish grass-fed cows.
2019 AGN Roots Grass-fed Whey was launched through an agreement with Truly Grass·Fed™ Ireland and committed to providing dairy nutrition that is sourced the right whey and manufactured using the latest preservation-based processing methods.

"Sourced the right whey...
is about recognizing and embracing one of Mother Nature's most potent superfoods in a sustainable and regenerative system that remains undamaged by intervention. With the efforts to access this unique source of dense nutrition paired with a narrow focus on preservation-based processing, we are proud to support a greener, healthier future for our kids while offering a best-in-class truly grassfed whey protein."
- Adam S.

Preservation-based processing
Preservation-based processing for whey protein involves prioritizing the processing techniques at every stage of maturation using a selection criteria that ensures macro-nutrient retention.
This approach eliminates exposures to continuous pasteurization methods, pH altering agents, hyper-filtration methods endemic to native-whey processes, and much more.
By prioritizing preservation, the resulting whey protein maintains its integrity and offers a high-quality product with enhanced nutritional value that is not possible with alternative focusses (Extended Life or Stability-based processing common with NZ exports and domestic CAFOs / USDA Organic whey).