From Friesian Jersey crosses on the coastal grasslands of southeast Ireland, AGN Roots Grass fed Whey Protein Isolate is the ONLY grass fed whey on the #ASPCA "Shop with Your Heart" Certified Brand list.
We Source the Right Way, from independently owned family farms certified by A Greener World, which verifies our whey is from animals who have spent their ENTIRE LIVES on pasture! Truly Grass fed Whey, and Sourced the Right Whey™!
Sourced the Right Whey™
AGN "Roots" Grass Fed organic whey protein embodies a principle connected to all things of value, especially your health; the highest quality nutrition stems from a collective of details exclusive to cultivation and origin. We value your trust and aim to raise the bar on the "Grass fed" Whey Isolate claim by providing endless information and assurances around our sourcing. We are excited to serve numerous communities who share our passions around environmental sustainability, animal welfare, and truly grass·fed farming practices. We are grateful to our grass fed farms for allowing AGN Roots to showcase the best unflavored grass fed whey isolate and for YOUR support in making this all possible!
What Country Produces The Best Grass·Fed Whey?
Exceeding Your Expectations to Elevate the "Grass·Fed" Whey Standard!

Grass·Fed Whey that Benefits Our Environment, Our Animals, & Our Health.
Learn Everything About Grass·Fed Whey
Grass·Fed Whey Protein Isolate - Articles
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The Best Grass-Fed Whey is Made In Ireland
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How Much Protein Should I Take?
Try our 100% free, no-strings-attached, individualized protein calculator. Our protein intake calculator will provide you a great starting point and range of recommended daily protein macros specific to your body type, fitness regime, training days, rest days, activity levels, gender, age, and fitness goals! Attack 2025 with a plan; it only takes 45 seconds! ~AGN Roots Grass-Fed Whey